In 2010 Dr. Paul and Jennifer Osteen met Dr. Jacques Ebhele in Cameroon while he was still in the PAACS training program. Ten years later they are thrilled to have Dr. Jacques as a plenary speaker at M32020.
Dr. Jacques practiced in the Democratic Republic of Congo as a general practitioner before training in general surgery with The Pan-African Academy of Christian Surgeons (PAACS) in Gabon from 2010 to 2014. He practiced and taught with the PAACS program in Cameroon. Dr. Jacques has recently moved to Daeyang Luke Hospital in Malawi where he practices as the only surgeon in the hospital. Most of his practice specializes in the care of critically ill, injured and postoperative general surgery patients.
We invite you to join us at the 2020 M3 Conference and hear Dr. Jacques share his heart and ministry as a missionary surgeon. – click here to register and save $5 with code: M3MISSIONS20