This trip was God’s idea

After the ups and downs of last week it is so nice to be in Nairobi this morning-jet lagged and all! Many of you may not know we were scheduled to leave last Friday but all the unrest and violence put our trip in a holding pattern. After months of anticipation and planning, it was so disheartening to see our plans be delayed and possibly even cancelled.

But then the Lord began to gently remind me that this trip was HIS idea and not MY idea. He reminded me that His plans for me are always good and any delay is a part of His design. All I need to do is to trust in Him and trust His timing.

Once I laid aside my plans and trusted His plans, a peace that passes understanding began to guard my heart and my mind. And, over the next few days it was amazing how everything came into place. I am confident that He will accomplish exactly what He wants—both in us and through us over the next few weeks.


Now in Africa

Hey everyone! We are finally in Africa.  My brother, sisters, and I would like to thank you for all of your prayers and support! We arrived safely last night and are currently staying in Nairobi.

To all of my friends, I want ya’ll to know how much fun I am already having. Yesterday we took two planes; the first plane we took arrived in Amsterdam (that’s in Holland). The second plane we took arrived in Nairobi, though the flight was tiring and our stomachs were empty, we managed to make it to the hotel (dramatic, I know!).

Today I went to have lunch with some of my parents’ friends. We also went to a shop called, Amani. All of the products at Amani are made by African women who have been war victims or women who have been through tough times.

Though I’m having tons of fun I miss all of you terribly and can’t wait to see you again. You have been a big part of making this a more exciting trip for me. I promise to keep you posted and please add a comment so that I know how all of you are doing! I really, really, really miss you.

Hugs and Kisses,
Georgia Grace

Jambo everybody

Jambo everybody!!! We arrived safely late last night at Komo Kenyatta! (A Kenyan airport) Last night we were at the baggage claim area and had just taken our last bag from the conveyer belt when we started to realize that our ride was not there! We searched through the crowd of drivers in search of our own. A lady on the airport staff let us borrow her cell phone because it was just a coincidence that my dad’s international-phone was not working at the time! So we called the lady that was supposed to arrange our ride and she said to get a van/taxi from Express (a taxi service). God protected us and we arrived at our hotel safely! This morning we went to a store that is like a Kenyan Wal-Mart but not as nice! We are going to the hospital in two tiny airplanes tomorrow morning so please pray that our next flight will be safe and smooth!

Houston to Holland to Africa

Well, late last night we got off the air plane that had gone from Houston to Holland then to Africa. It was a long plane ride at least sixteen hours. Right after we landed my Dad told me what his dad always said after they landed in another country on a mission trip:  “DEVIL I’M HERE!” Now that always reminds me now however powerful the devil is but God is beyond that. One way he tried to make us give up was that our ride wasn’t at the airport so my dad made a few adjustments and we got a safe driver who was very nice. So we’re at the hotel. Tomorrow we will leave Nairobi and fly in two small airplanes with two kids in one and two kids in the other one. See ya!
